We are dedicated to preserving the Earth through maintaining and creating more organic farms and farmers. We also bring to you the amazing benefits of exotic mushrooms, dried floral powders, beauty elixirs, skin nutrition and most importantly the knowledge from organic farms. The assurance of zero dilution of the magic of pure Nature- unadulterated. Still looking for more?

Well BumbleBee gets its experience from farms that span over 100 acres all over the state of Uttarakhand. You recieve the very best education only. And last but not the least, these farming communities provide income to 100s of villagers.

"Eloquently designed courses with BumbleBee Organics has provided me much needed expertise to setup my own processing lab."

Surjeet Negi, Dehradun.

Community Development

We train people to grow their own food, to create sustainable businesses and become financially independent. Improving lives, growing communities everyday, day by day.

Advance Training Modules

We train people on advance lab techniques in mushroom cultivation. Commercial mushroom plant setup technologies and its economics.

Medicinal and Super Mushrooms Training

School of BumbleBee Organics brings to you technology for growing super mushrooms.

Hi, I’m Santosh Nag

"BumbleBee Organics has been doing tremendous work in training people all across India in sharing its vast experience."

What will you learn?

Proposed Skills Imparted to Women Participants
  • Maintaining healthy and disease free habits.
  • Use of agricultural waste and its management.
  • Modern crops and Mushroom cultivation techniques.
  • Food and mushroom processing techniques.
  • Market evaluation and scope.
  • Awareness about various government schemes.
Project Interventions

 The project strategy would comprise the following activities:

  • Identification of potential beneficiaries.
  • Identification of stake holders and social partners.
  • Identification of resource agencies/persons.
  • Entrepreneurship sensitization.

Evolving a training package consisting of:

  • The business concept and approach.
  • Participatory processes.
  • Communication skills.
  • Savings and credit management.
  • Book keeping and accountancy.

Evolving a specific module of training consisting of:

  • Community development of the urban and rural population.
  • Entrepreneurship and business development skills.
  • Planning and management of economic activity.
  • Gender sensitization.
  • Training to enable them to interact effectively with market players.
  • Supporting common action programs and lobbying activities growers.